
27 Apr 2024

OpenAI’s push to establish AI as critical infrastructure

OpenAI’s cautious choice of the term ‘critical infrastructure’ over ‘public infrastructure’ reflects an awareness of the potential implications. This framing may intensify calls for increased regulation or government oversight of AI products.

27 Apr 2024

Japan Prime Minister to announce international framework for generative AI

Japan’s leadership role in spearheading this initiative stems from its previous proposal of the Hiroshima AI Process, which served as the foundation for the newly announced international framework. The framework builds upon the principles and agreements reached during the Hiroshima AI Process, with the aim of promoting the safe, secure, and ethical deployment of AI technology worldwide.

26 Apr 2024

Japan cracks down on tech giants and social media scams with new legislation

Japan enacted tougher measures to fine tech giants for limiting third-party access, mirroring the EU’s Digital Markets Act; meanwhile, scrutiny intensifies on Meta for failing to address online scams, with calls for CEO Mark Zuckerberg to testify.

26 Apr 2024

New online app “Ripoti” launched to address digital rights violations in Africa

Ripoti, an app by PIN, aids in reporting and addressing digital rights violations in Africa. It offers legal aid, counseling, and digital security guidance, fostering collaboration among diverse partners to protect victims.

26 Apr 2024

UNESCO report reveals technology’s mixed impact on girls’ education

The report highlights progress in reducing discrimination against girls over the past twenty years but also notes the negative impacts of cyberbullying and harassment on social media, which affect their mental health and education.

26 Apr 2024

EU designates Shein as VLOP

Shein, a prominent fast-fashion company, faces stricter regulations after being designated as a very large online platform by the EU, signalling heightened scrutiny over its operations.

26 Apr 2024

Elon Musk’s xAI aims to raise $6 billion in fundraising round

xAI aims to bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds by utilising training data from Musk’s other companies.

26 Apr 2024

FCC revives net neutrality rules, sparking legal challenges and political debate

The decision, supported by the Democratic-majority commission, has reignited a longstanding political and legal battle, with cable and telecom operators preparing to mount a legal challenge.

26 Apr 2024

Japan tightens export rules for advanced tech to prevent military use

Advanced technologies will require prior approval even if the original transaction was for civilian use.

26 Apr 2024

Google and Microsoft impress investors with AI growth

Investors were pleasantly surprised by Microsoft Corp. and Google owner Alphabet Inc.’s quarterly results, with both companies exceeding Wall Street expectations, driven by their AI and cloud computing endeavours.